Give Time. Change Lives

Volunteers form the backbone of our operations here. They enrich our children’s lives with their unique skills, diverse perspectives, and generous hearts. Whether it’s through teaching, cooking, or simply spending quality time, every moment our volunteers share with our children contributes to the warm, nurturing environment we strive to create.

To ensure a stable and consistent environment for our children, we ask that our volunteers are at least 18 years old and can commit to a specific period of involvement, ideally on a weekly basis. This commitment not only helps us with planning and continuity but also allows our children to form meaningful bonds and trust with the volunteers – relationships that are so important to their personal development and well-being.

Once you’ve decided to embark on this rewarding journey with us, our dedicated team at God’s Support Orphanage Ministry of Uganda will guide you through our volunteer process. This includes a friendly meet-and-greet, and some straightforward assessments to confirm eligibility. These steps are designed to ensure that every volunteer is a good fit for our unique environment and can provide the best possible support for our children.

Please know that every act of service, no matter how small it may seem, has the potential to bring about a significant change in our children’s lives. As a volunteer, you will be contributing to a brighter, happier future for our children – and we can assure you, the rewards of your kindness and dedication will be immeasurable.

Volunteer Contact Form

Thank you for considering volunteering with the God’s Support Orphanage Ministry of Uganda. Fill out the form below to start your journey with us. Your desire to help is a truly testament to the power of community and compassion.

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